With Valentine’s Day approaching, NCR is offering donors an opportunity to dedicate their gift to a loved one who has made a difference in their lives. Simply fill in the tribute details below and we will send a Valentine’s message to your loved one. Tributes will also be published in the Aug. 29 issue of the newspaper. Thank you for your readership and your support!
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. I Corinthians 13:13
Or click here to set up a monthly donation.
**If entering Other, please only enter whole numbers, no $ or decimals.**
Questions? Call our Development Office at 1-800-444-8910, ext. 2265 or email [email protected]; Additional information about ways to give below.
Ways to Give Now
Your NCR Legacy
The Tom Fox Fund and other Endowment Opportunities
Catholic Parish/Group Giving
Legacy Society